[Un]bound, Artist’s Books and other Works by SCA Students
2nd Floor, Baillieu Library, The University of Melbourne
Exhibition Date: November 2006
Opening night: 5-7pm November 21st
The exhibition presents a selection of works by Creative Arts students consisting of traditional artist’s books exploring the theme of ‘myth and narrative’, and non-traditional artists’ books challenging the concept of what a book is.
The works have resulted from the investigation of mythology in modern art, both as subject matter and as a method of approaching concepts of creation, revelation and the subconscious.
My works have resulted from the investigation of mythology in modern art, both as subject matter and as a method of approaching concepts of creation, revelation and the subconscious.
I began by looking at classical myths and their renderings in the art of the ancient world, medieval and renaissance Europe, and later periods, in order to compare the uses of myth with other narrative and pictorial approaches. Throughout the making of my works for this exhibition, I unravelled the mythic content of art.
‘Goddess’ is made with linocut. In creating the motifs for this artists’ book, I traced the myths of the Indian deities and their reinterpretations in contemporary visual art.
‘Muses in the sun’ represents the first fairy photographers who created their own myths.
In the making of both these works, I focused on the nature of myth as a central aspect of traditional cultures and as a vehicle for communication on a level beyond that of narrative or description.