Inspiration Wild:
An Artistic Celebration Of Nature And Environment
An Artistic Celebration of Nature and Environment
About the Book
Edited by Purnima Ruanglertbutr
Published by WAMA Foundation Limited
WAMA’s (The Wildlife Art Museum of Australia’s) first publication is a full-colour art book Inspiration Wild: An Artistic Celebration of Nature and Environment. The concept for this book was developed in parallel with the planning for WAMA’s 2014 launch to showcase a selection of art work and essays by some of Australia’s artists with international reputations working in this field today. This book features a selection of internationally recognised artists from Australasia, who, working in very diverse ways, stimulate curiosity in, and encourage commitment to, the preservation of our unique nature and environment. Through personal narrative accounts, accompanied by full-colour images of their works and diary sketches, they describe their individual inspirations derived from the world of the wild and the living - both flora and fauna. Proceeds from sales of these books goes towards WAMA’s fundraising efforts to bring the WAMA Project to life - an eco-tourism destination project celebrating the relationship between art, science and nature.